CD Orders

Digital Copy:

Digital Copies of our music are available for purchase at Bandcamp, click here!

Physical Copy:

4 track EP “Reach For The Stars

€ 5.00 + shipping

Shipping within The Netherlands: €1.92
(€4.10 with Track&Trace)*

International shipping: €3.10
(€12.55 with Track&Trace)*

To order your copy, fill out the form below and you will receive an email with payment information

(if you do not receive an email, be sure to check your spam folder!)

    * Orders will be sent by mail through PostNL. You will receive confirmation when we hand your order over to PostNL. Cyanide Paradise is not responsible for errors in address data provided or damage or loss of your order once handed over to PostNL. For extra security you can select the track&trace option (at extra cost) to be able to follow your order.